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Add and delete rows, new column and editor types, Grafana 11.3 Scenes updates in Business Table 1.9.0

Daria Volkova
Co-Founder at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

We are excited to announce the release of the Business Table panel 1.9.0. This feature release includes the following updates:

  • Ability to add and delete a row.
  • Option to hide the table header.
  • Support variables in the data sources for all data flow configurations.
  • Custom values in editable select type fields.
  • New column types:
    • Image,
    • Preformatted,
    • Boolean,
    • Rich text.
  • New editor types:
    • Text Area,
    • Switch.
  • New parameter default pagination size.
  • Compatibility with Grafana 11.3 and Scenes-powered dashboards.
Grafana Catalog

The plugin was updated in the Grafana Plugins catalog on December 2, 2024.


The Business Table downloads number is a generous Community gift to us. We are thrilled with 6,000 downloads. Let's see what the latest release will do with this plugin adoption.

The Business Table downloads reaches 6,000.
The Business Table downloads reaches 6,000.

Ability to add and delete a row

This is the most requested feature. Starting from this release, an end user of your Business Table panel can add and remove rows from Grafana dashboard!

Add and delete rows from the Business Table directly from the Grafana dashboard.
Add and delete rows from the Business Table directly from the Grafana dashboard.

Below are details on how you can configure this new feature.

Use Add data parameter category to configure:

  1. Which tabs of your Business Table panel should allow to add a row.
  2. What columns should a user specify while adding a new row. It is done by turning on the switch next to a column name.
  3. The Editor Type is a UI element to enter a new value.
  4. Permission is a granular control of who is allowed to add a new row. It is configured per each tab individually.
  5. Add Request consists of a data source and the query.

Use Delete data parameter category to configure:

  1. Which tabs of your Business Table panel should allow to delete a row.
  2. Permission is a granular control of who is allowed to delete a row. It is configured per each tab individually.
  3. Delete Request consists of a data source and the query.
Add and delete rows configuration details.
Add and delete rows configuration details.

Option to hide the table header

You can hide the Business Table header from the dashboard by turning off the Layout->Show header switch.

Show or hide the table header.
Show or hide the table header.

Support variables in the data sources for all data flow configurations

All Business Table data flows are configurable separately, allowing unbeatable flexibility. Starting from this release, a data source in every flow can be specified as a variable.

Let's say a Grafana dashboard has the following dashboard variable:

  • Variable type: Data source,
  • Name: DS,
  • Type: PostgreSQL.
Dashboard variable example.
Dashboard variable example.

You can use this variable in every data flow that affects:


Rows has three possible data flows:

  • Add data. Executed:
  • Editable data. Executed:
    • if the edit a row functionality is allowed,
    • after a user clicks on the pencil icon to edit a row.
  • Delete data. Executed:
Use a dashboard variable in the all three data flows for a single value column.
Use a dashboard variable in the all three data flows for a single value column.

Nested objects

Nested objects have four possible data flows:

  • Get Options. Executed:
    • on the form load to populate the column from a data source.
  • Add Options. Executed:
    • if the Add Options functionality is allowed,
    • after a user opens Show All comments drawer and clicks on the Add button.
  • Update Options. Executed:
    • if the Update Options functionality is allowed,
    • after a user opens Show All comments drawer and clicks on the pencil button.
  • Delete Options. Executed:
    • if the Delete Options functionality is allowed,
    • after a user opens Show All comments drawer and clicks on the trash can button.
Use a dashboard variable in the all four data flows for a nested objects column.
Use a dashboard variable in the all four data flows for a nested objects column.

Custom values in editable select type fields.

The Select is one of the types that you can use to add or edit a column value.

The Select is one of the types that you can use to add or edit a column value.
The Select is one of the types that you can use to add or edit a column value.

Starting from this release, in addition to selecting from a pre-populated drop-down list, a user can enter a custom value.

If allowed, a user can enter a custom value in the prepopulated drop-down list while adding or editing a row.
If allowed, a user can enter a custom value in the prepopulated drop-down list while adding or editing a row.

To allow that, ensure to set Allow custom value to ON.

Allow custom values parameter in the Add data and Editable data for the select type column.
Allow custom values parameter in the Add data and Editable data for the select type column.

New column types

A column type is specified in the Layout category and determines what the data looks like when displaying for a user review.

Four new column types.
Four new column types.


The Boolean type displays a checkmark in a circle for a true value and an empty circle for a false value.

An example of the Boolean type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Boolean type in the Business Table panel.


The Image type interprets the image links and base64 formats.

An example of the Image type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Image type in the Business Table panel.


The Preformatted type, which is similar to the pre HTML tag, is designed to display text with spaces and line breaks preserved. This means the text is shown exactly as it is written, without any formatting changes.

If the Preformatted style switch is ON, the text is displayed in the fixed-width font. If the Preformatted style switch is off, the text is displayed in the font configured for the user's browser.

An example of the Preformatted type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Preformatted type in the Business Table panel.

Rich text

The Rich text type interprets sanitized HTML and Markdown.

An example of the Rich Text type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Rich Text type in the Business Table panel.

HTML from the example above:

<h3>Features/ 2</h3>
- Updated behavior <br />
- Added All options<br />

Markdown from the example above:

This is the first line.\
And this is the second line.

New editor types

An editor type is specified in the Add Data and Editable Data categories and determines what the data looks like when a user adds or edits the data, respectively.

Text Area

The Text Area editor type is designed to add and edit multi-row text values.

An example of the Text Area Editor type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Text Area Editor type in the Business Table panel.


The Switch editor type makes the user's work with the Business Table panel more intuitive while transforming the boolean type data into a switch that can be turned on and off.

An example of the Switch Editor type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Switch Editor type in the Business Table panel.

Default pagination size

With the default pagination size parameter, you configure how many rows per page are availabe when the dashboard loads for the first time. If a user changes that, it gets saved into the browser cookies for the user's convinience.

A default pagination size parameter.
A default pagination size parameter.

Compatibility with Grafana 11.3 and Scenes-powered dashboards

The Scenes powered dashboards in Grafana 11.3 release introduced some breaking changes for our plugins.

Starting from release 1.9.0, the Business Table panel fully migrated to support Grafana 11.3.

Getting Started

The Business Table panel can be installed from the Grafana Catalog or utilizing the Grafana command line tool.

Install Business Suite plugins in Cloud, OSS, Enterprise. Getting started with the Business Suite.

For the latter, please use the following command.

grafana cli plugins install volkovlabs-table-panel


This video provides a quick overview of the main panel features. The editing data in the cells is the most requested capability.

Business Table panel for Grafana 1.3.0. Overview and tutorial for beginners.

We have many other tutorials that you can find helpful. You can review all related to this plugin tutorials here.

Release Notes

Features / Enhancements in 1.9.0

  • Added Image cell type (#177)
  • Updated Autosize Code Editor (#179)
  • Added default pagination size (#181)
  • Added preformatted cell type (#180)
  • Updated table cells border (#183)
  • Added functionality to add and delete row (#184)

Features / Enhancements in 1.8.0

  • Updated sort state on dashboard refresh (#163)
  • Added support variables in data sources for editable and nested objects (#167)
  • Updated group expand and collapse behavior (#161)
  • Added custom value to editable select field (#165)
  • Updated group expanding for empty cells (#169)
  • Added type check for text area (#172)
  • Updated behavior for edit process (error with TextArea initial value) (#176)

Features / Enhancements in 1.7.0

  • Updated useNestedObjects hook to display request errors and empty values (#158)
  • Added Sanitized HTML and Markdown column type (#154)
  • Updated rows heights when group collapse (#159)
  • Updated filter options to match exactly (#160)
  • Updated data source name to id (#156)
  • Added option to hide table header (#157)

Features / Enhancements in 1.6.0

  • Updated refresh and useRuntimeVariables for dashboard scene (#129)
  • Added replaceVariables to file name (#131)
  • Added Textarea column editor type (#133)
  • Added replaceVariables to column header (#134)
  • Updated to Grafana 11.3. and dependencies (#137)
  • Added colored Text and colored Background for aggregated rows (#136)
  • Added Handling Data Source Request Errors (#140)
  • Added customization for column header (#141)
  • Updated text wrap (#143)

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