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Read-only text area, links, and confirmation window updates in Business Forms 3.3.0

Daria Volkova
Co-Founder at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

We are happy to announce the release of the Business Forms panel 3.3.0. This release includes the following updates:

  • New element type Read-only Text Area.
  • New element type Link.
  • New option Options Source, applicable for all types with Custom options.
  • New Data Source option for the Reset request.
  • Confirmation Window labels are now customizable.
  • Usability improvement: Code Editor automatic size change.
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 10.2.1.
Grafana Catalog

The plugin was updated in the Grafana Plugins catalog on November 23, 2023.

Business Forms panel 3.3.0 for Grafana.

Read-only Text Area

This new element type is similar to the previously existing read-only type, but this one allows to display multiple rows of text.

Read-only Text is a new element type.
Read-only Text is a new element type.

This new element type allows you to add links on your Data Manipulation form. The link text is customizable using the Link Text option. If not specified, link address will be displayed.

The link can be opened in the same or a new tab.

Link is a new element type.
Link is a new element type.

Select Options from Query

Previously all types with Custom options supported only options entered manually during the configuration or set using Custom code. Starting from this release, you can reference a query from any configured data source.

You can specify the Label and Value fields.

Use values from the query for your types with select options.
Use values from the query for your types with select options.

Data Source for the Reset button

Now you can specify a data source for the Reset Request and set payload.

Data Source is a new option for Reset Request.
Data Source is a new option for Reset Request.

Confirmation Window

The Confirmation window, if enabled, is shown after a user clicks the submit button to highlight all changes made in the Data Manipulation form.

Starting from this release, you can customize all labels using the Confirmation Window category.

Customize confirmation window label names.
Customize confirmation window label names.

Autosize Code Editor

Any option containing code (for instance, Custom code, Show if returned value is true) changes its size (number of rows) following the number of code rows in it. The smallest size is 10 rows of code which means the size will not shrink to be less than 10 rows. The size can increase up to 50 rows of code.

Any option with code changes size (number of rows) automatically.
Any option with code changes size (number of rows) automatically.

Getting Started

You can install the Business Forms panel from the Grafana Plugins catalog or use the Grafana command line tool.

Install Business Suite plugins in Cloud, OSS, Enterprise. Getting started with the Business Suite.

For the latter, please use the following command:

grafana cli plugins install volkovlabs-form-panel


In this video, Daria provides two examples of what the Business Forms plugin can do and then outline the configuration steps. Towards the end, she emphasizes that the Business Forms panel can be created dynamically or, in other words, as a code with a reference where you can get copy-paste examples.

The powerful Business Forms panel 4.1.0 Overview.

We have many other tutorials that you can find helpful. You can review all related to this plugin tutorials here.

Release Notes

Features / Enhancements

  • Add Disabled Text Area element type (#243)
  • Add Confirmation Window options (#242)
  • Add context object to the custom code (#255)
  • Add Select Options From Query (#254)
  • Add NumberInput component which allows to enter decimals (#291)
  • Update to Plugin Tools 2.1.1 (#292)
  • Use Grafana Access Policy to sign plugin (#292)
  • Update to Grafana 10.2.1 (#292)
  • Update ESLint configuration (#294)
  • Add Autosize Code Editor (#295)
  • Add Data Source option for Reset button (#296)
  • Add Link Element (#297)

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