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Business Table

The Business Table panel allows you to simplify data visualization in table format.

In addition to the all-around columns/rows visualization functionality, the Business Table effortlessly combines with all other plugins from the Business Suite. For instance, below is an example where the Business Variable and Business Table work together to facilitate user-intuitive filtering via dashboard variables.

The Query filtering feature of the Business Table panel combined with the Business Variable panel.
The Query filtering feature of the Business Table panel combined with the Business Variable panel.


The Business Table panel version requirements for Grafana are as follows:

  • Business Table panel 1.X requires Grafana 10.3 or Grafana 11.

Getting Started

The Business Table panel can be installed from the Grafana Catalog or utilizing the Grafana command line tool.

Install Business Suite plugins in Cloud, OSS, Enterprise. Getting started with the Business Suite.

For the latter, please use the following command.

grafana cli plugins install volkovlabs-table-panel


  • Nested object (ability to store multiple rows of data in one cell).
  • Extensive work with the data direcly on the panel (add/edit/delete rows, add/edit/delete nested objects).
  • Tree View with expandable and collapsible elements.
  • Plentiful data types to display and add/edit data.
  • Supporting tabs for multiple data frame views.
  • Filtering data using dashboard variables.
  • Using a data source as a variable in all 7 data flows.
  • Server-side pagination.
  • Grafana's Thresholds are incorporated.
Tabs and grouped columns in the Business Table panel.
Tabs and grouped columns in the Business Table panel.


The Business Table 1.9.0 for Grafana brings an exciting functionality when a user can add, edit and delete rows from the Grafana dashboard. In addition, the Business Table 1.9.0 features useful functionality such as Grafana Thresholds, displaying images, easy connections with other Grafana panels and more!

Add/Edit/Delete rows with Business Table 1.9.0 in Grafana. Work with nested objects.

We have many other tutorials that you can find helpful. You can review all related to this plugin tutorials here.


Editable dataExplains 7 configurable data flows.
FeaturesExplains the plugin features.
TutorialsTutorials for the Business Table panel.
Release NotesStay up to date with the latest features and updates.


Apache License Version 2.0, see LICENSE.

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