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Business Calendar


The Calendar panel joins the Business Suite for Grafana and with that gets an elevated name. Now, the same amazing open source plugin is called the Business Calendar panel.

Please welcome the new name for the same functionality!

The Calendar panel now is called the Business Calendar panel.
The Calendar panel now is called the Business Calendar panel.

The Business Calendar panel is a Grafana plugin that displays events in a stylish calendar format. The data can come from various data sources.

Big Calendar

Starting from version 3.0.0, the Business Calendar Panel is completely rebuilt based on the Big Calendar library. The previously existed Legacy mode has been retired.

The users preferred this library over the Legacy so often that we do not see the need to support the Legacy library anymore.

Starting from version 3.0.0 there will be only Big Calendar mode and the Legacy option disappears from the user choice.

The Big Calendar library is an open-source powerful React library with various features designed to make any calendar intuitive, modern and efficient.

Business Calendar Panel is a Grafana plugin that displays events from various data sources.

The Business Calendar 3.1.0. Overview and detailed tutorial. Display dates and times in style.


  • The Business Calendar Panel 3.X requires Grafana 10 or Grafana 11.
  • Calendar Panel 2.X requires Grafana 9.2 or Grafana 10.
  • Calendar Panel 1.X requires Grafana 8.5 or Grafana 9.

Getting Started

You can install the Business Calendar Panel plugin from the Grafana Plugins catalog or use the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command:

grafana-cli plugins install marcusolsson-calendar-panel


  • Intuitive multi-language toolbar that allows you to:
    • Switch between the Day, Week, Month, Work Week, Year, and Agenda views.
    • Switch back to today's events.
    • Display events from the previous and subsequent time ranges.
  • Fetch and combine event data from any data sources.
  • Event filter by a time range.
  • Event coloring based on the Grafana Thresholds.
  • Enables the opening of a data link instead of a sidebar when clicking on an event.
  • Enables the display of annotations across all dashboards for the specified period.
  • Supports Internationalization: Spanish, French, German, and Chinese.
The Business Calendar panel toolbar.
The Business Calendar panel toolbar.
The Business Calendar plugin example: the Grafana Plugins catalog events in April 2024.
The Business Calendar plugin example: the Grafana Plugins catalog events in April 2024.


Basic configurationExplains plugin basics.
FeaturesDescribes plugin's features.
SectionsDescribes plugin's sectitons.
Release NotesAllows to stay up to date with the latest features and updates.


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Apache License Version 2.0, see LICENSE.