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Calendar Panel

Calendar Panel is a Grafana plugin that displays events from various data sources.

Display events from JSON API data source.


  • Calendar Panel 2.X requires Grafana 9.2 or Grafana 10.
  • Calendar Panel 1.X requires Grafana 8.5 or Grafana 9.

Getting Started

You can install the Calendar Panel plugin from the Grafana Plugins catalog or using the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command:

grafana-cli plugins install marcusolsson-calendar-panel


  • Displays events in a monthly, weekly, or daily view.
  • Query calendar events from any data source.
  • Supports the filtration of events by a time range.
  • Supports the event coloring based on thresholds.
  • Enables the opening of a data link instead of a sidebar when clicking an event.
  • Enables the display of annotations across all dashboards for the specified time period.
Updated plugins in the Grafana Plugins catalog in July 2023.
Updated plugins in the Grafana Plugins catalog in July 2023.


EventsExplains how to set up a calendar to display events.
FeaturesExplains the plugin's features.
Release NotesStay up to date with the latest features and updates.


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Apache License Version 2.0, see LICENSE.