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Basic configuration

The Business Calendar panel allows you to load events from any data source and display them on your Grafana dashboard.

The Data category

For the plugin to work, you must provide a mapping for two mandatory data elements Text and Start time. You also can define optional fields to make your calendar more informative.

TextYesEvent title. By default, the first text field is used.
DescriptionNoEvent description. Supports multiple comma-separated values.
LocationNoEvent location.
Start timeYesEvent start time. By default, the first time field is used.
End timeNoEvent end time.
LabelsNoEvent labels. Supports multiple comma-separated values.
ColorNoEvent background color. Specify a number field. Grafana will color the event background according to the specified Thresholds.
Map the fields in the Data category.
Map the fields in the Data category.

Week Start

For the Week and Month layouts, the plugin considers the Grafana system settings when choosing the first day of the week - Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, or uses the default day from Grafana settings.

You can specify the first day of the week in the user or organization preferences.
You can specify the first day of the week in the user or organization preferences.