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The Business Input Data Source supports dashboard and global variables in the String fields.

Three types of variables are discussed in the Grafana Crash Course.

Code Editor

Create new custom variable:

Variable `from`
Variable `from`
  • Create another variable related to the first variable using the Business Input Data Source and Code editor variable type Query. Query options -> Data source -> Static.
  • Take the value of the from variable and add 7 days to it for each iteration.
  • Use ${variable_name} syntax to use your variable in code.


const array = Array.from({ length: 3 }, (v, i) => `${i + 1}`);

const result = {
fields: => ({
values: => {
const currentFrom = `${from}`;
const date = new Date(currentFrom);
const newTo = new Date(date.getTime() + item * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
return newTo.toISOString();

return Promise.resolve(result);
Fill values for variable.
Fill values for variable.

Values for to variable will be:


Now every change value for variable from change values and for variable to:

Change of From variable will update variable To.
Change of From variable will update variable To.
Change of From variable will update variable To.
Change of From variable will update variable To.

Manual Editor

Variable can be used in Manual editor. Use $variable_name syntax in input field.

Variable in Manual Editor.
Variable in Manual Editor.