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Business Engines

In this part of the documentation, we assume that, conceptually, you know what a Business Engine is. If not, please refer to the platform schema and its description, following by the Business Engine section.

Add and delete Engines

This feature allows to add as many Business Engines as needed to be in your system. Each of them should already be connected to a Grafana Instance. In the future, you can manage that connection from the Business Studio as well.

Add a new Business Engine in the Business Studio.
Add a new Business Engine in the Business Studio.

Add a new Engine

To add a new Business Engine, click the + Add button on the main screen and then specify the following:

  • Engine name
    • Should be a unique name within the Business Studio.
  • Engine URL
    • A URL to access Business Engine API.
  • Production or Community token
    • Unique for each Business Engine Cluster.
    • Use the Support menu at the bottom left to request a new or additional Production tokens.
New Business Engine configuration.
New Business Engine configuration.

Once the Business Engine is added, you can review the configuration settings by clicking on its name in the list.

Business Engine

The Overview tab, in addition to the basic engine statistics such as version, status (ok/error), a number of alert rules and actions, features the Alert History.

A Business Engine Overview tab with Alert History.
A Business Engine Overview tab with Alert History.

Alert rules

The Alert rules tab is a part of the Business Alerting feature available in all Business Engines.

To learn more about alert rules, please refer to this documentation's Alert rules section.


The Actions tab helps to configure actions, which are the set of steps that are triggered by an expected event. The most common scenario is when an action is triggered after an alert rule is broken, but it is just one of the possible scenarios.

To learn more about actions, please refer to this documentation's Actions section.


All environment variables are displayed on the Environment tab. In the future, we plan to allow them to be modified.

Environment variables for the Charlie Engine 1.
Environment variables for the Charlie Engine 1.


The Settings tab contains all the information you provided when creating the Business Engine.

Settings for the Charlie Engine 1.
Settings for the Charlie Engine 1.