Week start, details drawer, and refactoring in Business Calendar 1.2.0
We are happy to announce the release of the Business Calendar panel 1.2.0. This release includes the following updates:
- Added the event coloring based on the configuration of threshold ranges.
- Added support for the system week start day (Monday, Satuday, Sunday, or default) pulled from Grafana.
- Added a time display option for events.
- Updated the Drawer component (sidebar) for a new card-based design.
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.3.6 and updated workflows.
- Refactored the legacy code and migrated to Theme v2.
- Removed the panel padding and modified styles for a modern visual look of the plugin.
The plugin was updated in the Grafana Plugins catalog on February 24, 2023.
1 million downloads
The Business Calendar panel plugin has been downloaded over one million times.

Display Events from PostgreSQL
This video explains how to configure Business Calendar panel in Grafana to retrieve events from the PostgreSQL database, but you can use any supported storage.
Updated Styles
Theme v1 was upgraded to v2, and most styles were modified for a modern look and the provision of a Google Calendar-like experience. Display Time is an additional option that displays the time of an event before the title.

Week Start
The plugin considers the Grafana system settings when choosing the first day of the week - Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, or uses the default day from Grafana settings.

Event colors
We have released the most frequently requested feature! You can now color events differently depending on whether their values fall inside the chosen threshold ranges.

Event details
The N more
line appears at the bottom of the event list when events do not fit within the allocated day cell. When you click this line, the opened tab will display the full list of events for that day. You may also click an event to view its information in a new tab.

You can also click a particular event directly on the calendar grid to see its details or navigate to the first data link if the On Click
option is set to Open Link

Time Range
To filter events against a time range, click a specific day in the calendar. Then, hold down the Shift key and drag the selection to the appropriate day. Click Apply time range to confirm the selection. The selected time range will be applied to all events in your calendar.

Getting Started
You can install the Business Calendar panel plugin from the Grafana Plugins catalog or use the Grafana command line tool.
For the latter, please use the following command:
grafana cli plugins install marcusolsson-calendar-panel
This video is a detailed review of all configurable options. To ensure you can follow, Daria starts with fetching publicly available Grafana plugin catalog data and then demonstrates how the Business Calendar plugin options change the panel appearance and behavior.
We have many other tutorials that you can find helpful. You can review all related to this plugin tutorials here.
Release Notes
Refactoring and style migration may introduce breaking changes. Please test before upgrading the plugin on production Grafana instances.
Features / Enhancements
- Selected the color for calendar entry queries (#67).
- Added the filtering of undefined events (#69).
- Updated the CI and release workflows (#72).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.3.6 (#73).
- Refactored the plugin options to use field pickers (#74).
- Refactored the Day and Events drawers (#75).
- Removed the padding for the panel area (#75).
- Refactored the day view and updated styles (#76).
- Migrated styles to version 2 (#79).
- Applied the system Grafana settings to the week's start day (#80).
- Added the skipping of undefined events in the Drawer component (#81).
- Added the display of time (#82).
- Updated styles and screenshots (#83).
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