Year view, improved internationalization and Grafana 11.3 Scenes updates in Business Calendar 3.8.0
We are happy to announce the release of the Business Calendar panel 3.8.0. This release includes the following updates:
- Single and multi-day events are displayed in the Year view.
- Panel-specific language(datetime) format is now supported.
- Compatibility with Grafana 11.3 and Scenes-powered dashboards.
The plugin was updated in the Grafana Plugins catalog on October 31, 2024.
The Community interest to the Business Calendar plugin has doubled since the end of October 2024. Half of the million downloads in November compared to a quarter million in September. The total downloads are getting closer to 4,000,000.
This plugin has intriguing statistics. The documentation and videos spark little interest while downloads skyrocket. I conclude that the plugin is in huge demand while being mostly self-explanatory in how to configure it.
Year view
In the Year view, the Business Calendar panel displays dots representing events that day. If there are more than 3 events, the plus symbol is shown.
The multi-day events are displayed as one dot per day. For instance, if an event lasts from September 16 to September 17 (two day event), two dots are shown on the panel, one dot for September 16 and the other dot for September 17.
Panel-specific language(datetime) format
As previously was described for the prior versions, the Business Calendar panel has the ability to override the Grafana's User->Profile->Preferences->Language setting in the Layout->Date and time format parameter. In addition to all existing options, a user of the Business Calendar panel can choose English 24 and ISO 8601.
Starting from this release, the Date and time format parameter is specific to the particualr Business Calendar panel, not to all Business Calendar panels on the dashboard at once.
Compatibility with Grafana 11.3 and Scenes-powered dashboards
The Scenes powered dashboards in Grafana 11.3 release introduced some breaking changes for our plugins.
Starting from release 3.8.0, the Business Calendar panel fully migrated to support Grafana 11.3.
Getting Started
You can install the Business Calendar panel plugin from the Grafana Plugins catalog or use the Grafana command line tool.
For the latter, please use the following command:
grafana cli plugins install marcusolsson-calendar-panel
This video is a detailed review of all configurable options. To ensure you can follow, Daria starts with fetching publicly available Grafana plugin catalog data and then demonstrates how the Business Calendar plugin options change the panel appearance and behavior.
We have many other tutorials that you can find helpful. You can review all related to this plugin tutorials here.
Release Notes
Features / Enhancements in 3.8.0
- Added Multi Day Events in Yearly View (#243)
- Updated Migration for thresholds color filter (#248)
- Updated useRuntimeVariables hook for Scenes dashboards (#247)
- Updated to Grafana 11.3 and dependencies (#248)
Features / Enhancements in 3.7.0
- Updated yearly view to display events (#240)
- Updated to Grafana 11.2 and dependencies (#241)
Features / Enhancements in 3.6.0
- Update tooltip to prevent opening drawer when selecting text (#235)
- Update Date time format for different languages (#236)
- Update event details to hide actions when no actions available (#238)
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