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Business Calendar Panel 1.3.0

Mikhail Volkov
Founder at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

We are happy to announce the release of the Business Calendar Panel 1.3.0. This release includes the following updates:

  • Added an option to display colors based on Event ID or Frame ID if the Color field is not specified.
  • Added support for color schemes.
  • Added the splitting of labels when showing in the drawer.
  • Added display of annotation tags as labels.
  • Updated multi-day intervals to automatically align events throughout the week.
Grafana Plugins catalog

The plugin was updated in the Grafana Plugins catalog on March 13, 2023.


Our latest video tutorial explains how to configure the Business Calendar Panel plugin in Grafana. We store our events in the PostgreSQL database, but you can use any supported storage.

How to display events from PostgreSQL.

Events Duration

Events are categorized into four types:

  1. instantaneous: an event having only the start time.
  2. continuing: an event having the start and end time.
  3. multi-day: an event having the start and end time and lasting for two days or more.
  4. ongoing: an event having the start time without the end time.
Schema explains how events are classified depending on the End Time field.
Schema explains how events are classified depending on the End Time field.

Multi-day events

We improved the aligning of multi-day events. In the latest version, events are aligned by week, which prevents in-between gaps for events spanning for more than one week.

Events are displayed in chronological order, with the earliest events appearing at the top.

Release Management dashboard using Business Calendar Panel for Grafana.
Release Management dashboard using Business Calendar Panel for Grafana.

Event colors

We improved the coloring options for events. If the Color field is not specified, events can be colored based on Frame ID or Event ID. In the plugin preferences, you can also select the classic palette.

Releases colored based on Event ID using the classic palette.
Releases colored based on Event ID using the classic palette.

Event details

The splitting of comma-separated values in the Labels field has been added into event details. The Description field supports the HTML elements that you can use for formatting event descriptions.

Event details with HTML-formatted description and labels.
Event details with HTML-formatted description and labels.

Annotation tags are also displayed as labels.

Getting Started

You can install Business Calendar Panel from the Grafana Plugins catalog or using the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command:

grafana-cli plugins install marcusolsson-calendar-panel

YouTube Tutorial

Business Calendar Panel is a Grafana plugin that displays events from various data sources.

Display events from the JSON API data source.

Release Notes

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.4.3 (#87).
  • Added the splitting of labels when showing them in the Drawer component (#88).
  • Added annotation tags as labels (#88).
  • Refactored the multi-day interval (#89).
  • Added the event coloring based on Event ID or Frame ID if the Color field is not specified (#90).
  • Added support for color schemes (#91).
  • Added the video configuration tutorial (#92).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the content scrolling in the Day drawer (#93).


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