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Business Calendar Panel 1.4.0 supports Grafana 10

Mikhail Volkov
Founder at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

We are happy to announce the release of the Business Calendar Panel 1.4.0. This release includes the following updates:

  • Tested the plugin on Grafana 10 Preview.
  • Added the text formatting, mappings, and overrides.
  • Removed the unused standard options.
  • Increased the event spacing to prevent overlapping.
  • Increased the test coverage and added the end-to-end test workflow.
  • Migrated the plugin to Plugin Tools 1.5.2 with Node.js 18 and npm.
Grafana Plugins catalog

The plugin was updated in the Grafana Plugins catalog on June 15, 2023.

Standard Options

Units, value mappings, and overrides are all supported in the Event text field. All unnecessary standard options, such as minimal and maximal values, were deprecated.

Units, value mappings, and overrides are supported in Business Calendar Panel.
Units, value mappings, and overrides are supported in Business Calendar Panel.

Getting Started

You can install Business Calendar Panel from the Grafana Plugins catalog or using the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command:

grafana-cli plugins install marcusolsson-calendar-panel

YouTube Tutorial

Business Calendar Panel is a Grafana plugin that displays events from various data sources.

Display events from the JSON API data source.

Release Notes

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.5.2 (#96, #101).
  • Added the text formatting, mappings, and overrides (#97).
  • Remove the unused standard options (#97).
  • Increased the test coverage and updated the testing library (#100, #103).
  • Migrated to Plugin Tools 1.5.2 (#101).
  • Updated the plugin to Node.js 18 (#101).
  • Integrated E2E Cypress into the testing cycle (#102).

Bug fixes

  • Increased the event spacing to prevent the overlapping (#96).


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