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Business Calendar Panel 2.2.0

Daria Volkova
Creative Director at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

We are happy to announce the release of the Business Calendar Panel 2.2.0. This release includes the following updates.

Only for the Big Calendar.

  • New option parameter: event location.
  • Text color auto adjustment to ensure a readable contrast with the background.
  • New ability to select views: day, week, work week, and month.

For the Legacy and Big Calendar.

  • Added support for dashboard timezone in Start and End time.
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 10.1.4.
Business Calendar panel supports Legacy and Big Calendar types.
Business Calendar panel supports Legacy and Big Calendar types.
Grafana Plugins catalog

The plugin was updated in the Grafana Plugins catalog on October 10, 2023.

Business Calendar Panel 2.2.0 for Grafana.

2 million downloads

The Business Calendar panel inevitably targets the 2 million downloads mark towards the end of this year! Thank you for your trust and support.

Calendar panel is on the way to 2 million downloads.
Calendar panel is on the way to 2 million downloads.

Event Location

In the Event section, a new Location parameter is available for Big Calendar type only.

It is displayed in two places. First is following the Text, separated by a colon character(:). The second is in the Event Details, a popup window appearing after you click on the event in the calendar panel.

Location is a new parameter available for Big Calendar type only.
Location is a new parameter available for Big Calendar type only.

Contrast Text

This feature ensures that a text color always contrasts well with the background color. It is available for Big Calendar type only.

Work Week and select views

In the Calendar section, for the Views parameter, we added a new option work week. The setting is similar to a week view, but instead of seven days, it displays 5 days and hides Saturdays and Sundays.

In addition, now you can configure which views out of four (day, week, month, work week) will be available for an end-user.

The feature is available for Big Calendar type only.

Work week is a new view for the Calendar panel available for Big Calendar type only
Work week is a new view for the Calendar panel available for Big Calendar type only

Dashboard time zones

Starting from this release, the Business Calendar panel supports dashboard time zones. Previously, it synched with the Browser time zone.

The Business Calendar panel automatically syncs with the selected dashboard time zone.
The Business Calendar panel automatically syncs with the selected dashboard time zone.

Getting Started

You can install Business Calendar Panel from the Grafana Plugins catalog or using the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command:

grafana-cli plugins install marcusolsson-calendar-panel

YouTube Tutorial

Business Calendar Panel is a Grafana plugin that displays events from various data sources.

Configure Calendar plugin for Grafana.

Release Notes

Features / Enhancements

  • Added Event Location for Big Calendar (#127)
  • Added contrast text color for events (#129)
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 10.1.4 (#132)
  • Updated with Plugin Tools 2.0.2 (#132)
  • Updated to use Grafana Access Policy to sign plugin (#132)
  • Added support for dashboard timezone in Start and End time (#128)
  • Added ability to select views: day, week, work week and month (#133)


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