Editor types
The Editor types are the UI type elements for the columns when a user adds/edits a data row.

Date Time
The Date Time type allows users to enter a value in the DateTime format using a standard Grafana component.
Optionally, you can specify a range of permitted date-times using Set Min Date and Set Max Date parameters.

Switch editor type is available starting from version 1.9.0.
The Switch editor type makes the user's work with the Business Table panel more intuitive while transforming the boolean type data into a switch that can be turned on and off.

The Number type allows a user to enter a numerical value. Optionally, you can specify the Min and Max for the allowed values.

The Select types gives users a drop-down populated from the Value Field parameter. Optionally, you can specify Label Field. Both parameters, Value field and Label Field, come from the dataframe:column
of your data source.

Allow custom value feature is available starting from version 1.9.0.
If allowed, a user can enter a custom value in the prepopulated drop-down list while adding or editing a row.

To allow that, ensure to set Allow custom value to ON.

The String type allows a user to enter any value.

Text Area
Text Ares editor type is available starting from version 1.9.0.
The Text Area editor type is designed to add and edit multi-row text values.