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The Layout parameter category determines the set of tabs and then the set of columns and their display types for each tab.

The layout category of the Business Table panel.
The layout category of the Business Table panel.

Column types to display data

A column display type is specified in the Layout->Format->Type and determines what the data looks like when displaying for a user review. At this moment, there are 8 available types to choose from.

The display data types of the Business Table panel.
The display data types of the Business Table panel.


Same as Colored text. Used by default.


The Boolean type displays a checkmark in a circle for a true value and an empty circle for a false value.

An example of the Boolean type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Boolean type in the Business Table panel.

Colored Background

The Colored background types changes the cell background colors following the Grafana Thresholds configuration.

Using the Apply to Row parameter, you can color the whole row(not shown) or only one cell (as shown).

Colored background type uses Grafana Thresholds feature.
Colored background type uses Grafana Thresholds feature.

Colored text

The Colored text types changes the cell font colors following the Grafana Thresholds configuration.

Colored text type uses Grafana Thresholds feature.
Colored text type uses Grafana Thresholds feature.


The Image type interprets the image links and base64 formats.

An example of the Image type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Image type in the Business Table panel.

Nested objects

See the Nested Ojects section of this documentation.


The Preformatted type, which is similar to the pre HTML tag, is designed to display text with spaces and line breaks preserved. This means the text is shown exactly as it is written, without any formatting changes.

If the Preformatted style switch is On, the text is displayed in the fixed-width font. If the Preformatted style switch is Off, the text is displayed in the font configured for the user's browser.

An example of the Preformatted type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Preformatted type in the Business Table panel.

Rich text

The Rich text type interprets sanitized HTML and Markdown.

An example of the Rich Text type in the Business Table panel.
An example of the Rich Text type in the Business Table panel.

HTML from the example above:

<h3>Features/ 2</h3>
- Updated behavior <br />
- Added All options<br />

Markdown from the example above:

This is the first line.\
And this is the second line.

Other Layout parameters

Multi tables as tabsDemonstrates multi table as tabs
Tree View/Row GroupingDemonstrates tree view/row grouping
Auto-width columnsDemonstrates auto-width columns
Table footerExplains how the table footer works
Filtering in the Client and Query modesDemonstrates the Client and Query filtering
SortingDemonstrates column sorting
Pin ColumnsDemonstrates column pinning
Show and hide columnsDemonstrates the show/hide column button
Hide the table headerExplains how to hide the table header

Multi tables as tabs

The Business Table panel allows you to have a multi-tabs view and configure the fields of each tab separately.

To add a new tab, use the New Table parameter. To add a column to an existing tab, use the New Column parameter.

The Business Table panel allows you have a multi tabs view.
The Business Table panel allows you have a multi tabs view.

Tree View/Row grouping

This feature allows you to combine unique field values into groups and collapse/expand using little arrows to create a layout similar to Tree View.

Example: the Business Table panel configured as Tree View.
Example: the Business Table panel configured as Tree View.

Below is the steps of how to configure Business Table panel Tree View.

The Business Table panel row grouping.
The Business Table panel row grouping.

Auto-width columns

The column width can be determined automatically within a specified range or explicitly hardcoded by a user in pixels.

Auto-width column property.
Auto-width column property.

Every column of the Business Table panel has the Show in Footer property. If at least one column has it set up, then a footer will be shown.

You can select the aggregation function individually for each column to be applied toward the value displayed in the footer.

The Business Table panel supports the Footer feature.
The Business Table panel supports the Footer feature.


The Business Table panel starts strong with the filtering feature offering two main options:

  • Client,
  • Query.


Every column of the Business Table panel offers the Filter feature. If set to Yes, the funnel icon will appear next to the column header.

With the Filter Mode->Client, when a user clicks on the funnel icon further filterimg options appear.

What those options are depends on the column data type:

  • String
    • Search (step 5 from the image below). It provides a form to type free text or enter a number value to use in the filtering.
    • Options (step 6 from the image below). It provides a multi-select list of all existing values in the column.
The Client filtering feature of the Business Table panel for the String data type.
The Client filtering feature of the Business Table panel for the String data type.
  • Number

Select from a list of mathematical operations and specify a number to apply it towards.

The Client filtering feature of the Business Table panel for the Number data type.
The Client filtering feature of the Business Table panel for the Number data type.
  • Time

Select a time range using a standard Grafana range picker.

The Client filtering feature of the Business Table panel for the Time data type.
The Client filtering feature of the Business Table panel for the Time data type.


This method of filtering allows panel interconnectivity or use in the data links. With the Filter Mode->Query, the displayed data is filtered according to the selected dashboard variables.

Below is how you can configure the Query filtering method.

The Query filtering feature of the Business Table panel.
The Query filtering feature of the Business Table panel.

In this example, two panels are working together (panel interconnectivity). A user selects a value on the Business Variable panel, changing the status displayed in the Business Table panel.

Panel interconnectivity, the selected value on the Business Variable panel impacts the Business Table panel data.
Panel interconnectivity, the selected value on the Business Variable panel impacts the Business Table panel data.


Every column of the Business Table panel has the Sort property. Set it to Yes and then specify the default sorting order - ascending or descending. The sorting icon appears next to the column header. The order changes to the opposite after the user clicks on the icon.

The Business Table panel supports the Sorting feature.
The Business Table panel supports the Sorting feature.

Pin Columns

It is a helpful feature for the wide tables. You can pin any column to always stay visible on the left or right.

Column pin parameter.
Column pin parameter.

Below, the column Country is pinned to the left.

The column Country is pinned to the left.
The column Country is pinned to the left.

Show and hide columns


The feature is supported starting from version 1.5.0

This feature allows you to hide/show any column in your Business Table visualization. It is helpful when you need to experiment with the table's visual aspects without removing the column (and all its configuration) to get an idea of what the visualization would look like without it.

Also, the column might be required for the underlying logic but not designed for the end user.

Hide and show columns in the Business Table panel.
Hide and show columns in the Business Table panel.

Option to hide the table header


Option to hide the table header is supported starting from the Business table 1.9.0

You can hide the Business Table header from the dashboard by turning off the Layout->Show header switch.

Show or hide the table header.
Show or hide the table header.
Table header

The plus icon (the button to add a row) is also hidden if you hide a table header. That means if you need a user to have the ability to add a row, keep the table header visible.