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Business Charts


The Apache ECharts panel panel joins the Business Suite for Grafana and with that gets an elevated name. Now, the same amazing open source plugin is called the Business Charts panel.

Please welcome the new name for the same functionality!

The Apache ECharts panel now is called the Business Charts panel.
The Apache ECharts panel now is called the Business Charts panel.

The Business Charts Panel plugin is a visualization extension for Grafana powered by the Apache ECharts library.

The Business Charts Panel allows you to integrate charts and graphs created by the Apache ECharts library into your Grafana dashboard.

Business Charts panel for Grafana 6.0.0 powered by Apache ECharts library.

Apache ECharts is a powerful and versatile data visualization library providing a wide range of chart types including statistical capabilities. It is written in pure JavaScript and based on zrender, a lightweight graphic library for chart rendering.

The Business Charts plugin offers an easy way of adding intuitive, interactive, and highly customizable charts to your Grafana dashboard.


  • Business Charts Panel 6.X requires Grafana 10 or Grafana 11.
  • Apache ECharts Panel 5.X requires Grafana 9 or Grafana 10.
  • Apache ECharts Panel 3.X and 4.X require Grafana 8.5 or Grafana 9.

Getting Started

You can install the Business Charts Panel from the Grafana Plugins catalog or using the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command.

grafana-cli plugins install volkovlabs-echarts-panel


  • Provides Monaco Code Editor for:
    • Working with Grafana data frames (JavaScript).
    • Updating chart configurations in the JSON format.
    • Customizing theme configurations.
  • Supports Code Editor suggestions for parameters and variables.
  • Supports SVG and Canvas renderers.
  • Supports variables and locationService to make charts interactive.
  • Includes USA and World GeoJSON maps. Additional maps can be loaded dynamically.
  • Supports Baidu, Gaode, and Google Maps using API with required provision of the access key.
  • Includes ECharts-GL proving 3D plots, globe visualization, and WebGL acceleration.
  • Includes ecStat, a statistical and data mining tool.
  • Includes Liquid Fill Chart to represent data in percentage.
  • Supports real-time data updates using streaming data sources and Grafana Live.
  • Supports light and dark themes adjusted to the Grafana theme.
  • Based on Apache ECharts 5.5.0.
  • Provides 100+ ready-to-use examples at
  • Supports the Wordcloud extension


Charts FunctionExplains how to configure the main Apache ECharts library function.
ExamplesExplains how to get started with the Apache ECharts Examples in Grafana.
FeaturesDemonstrates the Business Charts panel features.
MapsDemonstrates how to work with different maps.
TutorialsTutorials for the Business Charts Panel.
Release NotesStay up to date with the latest features and updates.


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The Apache Software Foundation Apache ECharts, ECharts, Apache, the Apache feather, and the Apache ECharts project logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.


Apache License Version 2.0, see LICENSE.