Release Notes
Release Notes for the Business Charts panel.
6.5.0 (2024-10-25)
Features / Enhancements
- Updated Autosize Code Editor toolbar (#341)
- Updated refresh for dashboard scene (#346)
- Updated Grafana 11.3.0 and dependencies (#346)

6.4.1 (2024-09-16)
Features / Enhancements
- Updated Gauge dashboard (#337)
- Updated Code Editor toolbar (#338)
6.4.0 (2024-09-11)
Features / Enhancements
- Added Boxplot in Visual Editor (#327)
- Updated Grafana 11.2 dependencies (#330)
- Added Scatter to Visual editor and limit selection to supported charts (#332)
- Added promise libraries import (#333)
- Updated Code editor toolbar (#334)
6.3.0 (2024-08-26)
Features / Enhancements
- Added visual editor for bar and sunburst (#322)
- Added Expandable Editors (#324)
- Updated Examples dashboards (#325)

6.2.0 (2024-08-01)
Features / Enhancements
- Updated to Apache ECharts 5.5.1 (#309)
- Updated E2E workflow using Docker (#310)
- Updated migration for context parameters (#317)
- Added Radar to visual editor (#316)
6.1.0 (2024-05-26)
Features / Enhancements
- Added plugin e2e tests and remove cypress (#281, #283)
- Updated context parameters in Examples (#282)
- Added Business Charts video tutorial (#291)
- Updated provisioning for events (#289)
- Updated panel options (#289)
- Updated Code suggestions (#293)
- Updated to Grafana 11.0 and dependencies (#294)
6.0.0 (2024-03-24)
Breaking changes
- Requires Grafana 10 and Grafana 11.
- Removed non-context code parameters. Please update parameters to use

Code parameters migration guide
- data ->
- theme -> context.grafana.theme
- echartsInstance -> context.panel.chart
- echarts -> context.echarts
- ecStat -> context.ecStat
- replaceVariables -> context.grafana.replaceVariables
- eventBus -> context.grafana.eventBus
- locationService -> context.grafana.locationService
- notifySuccess -> context.grafana.notifySuccess
- notifyError -> context.grafana.notifyError
Features / Enhancements
- Updated name to Business Charts panel (#268)
- Added Apache Acknowledgment and update description (#268)
- Updated to Grafana 10.4.1 (#270)
- Removed ArrayVector deprecated in Grafana 11 (#272)
- Updated Apache ECharts deprecation warnings (#272)
5.3.0 (2024-03-06)
Features / Enhancements
- Updated to Apache ECharts library 5.5.0 (#257)
- Updated code parameters with Code Parameters Builder (#261)
- Updated auto size code editor (#263)
5.2.0 (2024-02-15)
Breaking changes
- Requires Grafana 9.2 and Grafana 10
Features / Enhancements
- Updated README and documentation (#214)
- Added visual editor for working with data sources (#211)
- Updated ESLint configuration and refactoring (#237)
- Updated dependencies and Actions (#238)
- Added context parameter to non-visual mode (#245)
- Added refresh function using Application Event Bus (#247)
- Updated to disallow to choose already selected fields (#251)
- Updated to use visual editor and data sources (#248)
- Updated draggable handler in Visual editor (#256)
5.1.0 (2023-08-11)

Features / Enhancements
- Added compatibility with Grafana 10.0.3 (#206).
- Fixed memory leaks when resubscribing to the restore event (#208).
5.0.0 (2023-07-19)
Breaking changes
- This release requires Grafana 9 or Grafana 10.
Features / Enhancements
- Updated the product documentation with recent updates (#182).
- Updated examples for Grafana 10 (#190).
- Added Result v2 with unsubscribe function (#188).
- Updated the streaming to redraw charts (#188).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 10.0.0 (#191).
- Updated the README file and panel options (#192).
- Deprecated support for Grafana 8.5 (#193).
- Updated support for Grafana 10.0.2 dependencies (#195).
- Updated ESLint configuration (#196).
- Integrated the Wordcloud extension (#198).
- Updated to Apache ECharts library 5.4.3 (#199).
4.5.0 (2023-06-03)

Features / Enhancements
- Migrated to Plugin Tools 1.5.2 (#171, #176).
- Updated the plugin to Node 18 and npm (#172, #173).
- Added an alert for the theme parsing error (#175).
- Updated the default function to support Grafana 10 (#178).
- Tested the plugin on Grafana 10 Preview (#179).
4.4.0 (2023-05-25)

Features / Enhancements
- Increased the test coverage and updated the test library (#163).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.5.2 (#164).
- Updated the Google Maps extension to version 1.6.0 (#164).
- Integrated E2E Cypress tests into the testing cycle (#165).
- Added Theme Editor to enable usage of custom themes (#167).
- Updated the documentation (#166, #168).
4.3.1 (2023-04-21)
Breaking changes
- Removed the
parameter due to security reasons.

4.3.0 (2023-04-16)
Features / Enhancements
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.4.7 (#146).
- Added
parameter to retrieve the entry point to data sources (#146). - Updated to Apache ECharts library 5.4.2 (#147).
- Updated U.S. and world GeoJSON maps used in the GeoMap module (#154).
- Added the Alert State and Annotations (#155).
4.2.0 (2023-03-04)

Features / Enhancements
- Added
to the available parameters for publishing events (#122). - Added compatibility with Grafana 9.3.6 (#132).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.4.3 (#142).
- Updated CI and release workflows (#134).
- Added
to remove extra padding around (#138). - Set the background color as transparent by default (#139).
- Added the Magic (JavaScript) Trio tutorial (#141).
4.1.0 (2023-01-12)

Features / Enhancements
- Synchronized the README file with the product documentation (#111).
- Added the Streaming support for WebSockets and Grafana Live (#113).
- Moved the InfluxDB example to the guest blog post (#115).
- Updated the documentation and tutorials in the README file (#116).
- Added the data zooming to the default Line example (#117).
4.0.0 (2022-12-20)
Breaking changes
- World and U.S. GeoJSON maps are not loaded by default. Please select
in the Maps option.

Features / Enhancements
- Update ECharts Examples at (#103).
- Added the Calendar examples at (#105).
- Updated the README file and moved the product documentation to the documentation site (#107).
Bug fixes
- Fixed JavaScript code in the product documentation (#102).
3.8.0 (2022-12-10)
Features / Enhancements
- Updated the documentation about the event handling (#80).
- Added the Histograms, Clustering, and Regression tutorial (#83).
- Added the Provisioning dashboards for ECharts examples at (#91).
- Added support for Gaode Maps (#95).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.3.1 (#97).
- Added support for Google Maps (#98).
- Refactored the support for maps (#99).
- Updated to Apache ECharts library 5.4.1 (#101).
Bug fixes
- Fixed the Disabled Format options (#88).
3.7.0 (2022-11-16)
Features / Enhancements
- Limit the URL for loading the Baidu map (#76).
3.6.0 (2022-11-13)
Features / Enhancements
- Updated CI to Node 16 and synchronized it with the release workflow (#65).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.2.2 (#66).
- Updated thumbnails of video tutorials on YouTube (#66).
- Updated CI to upload signed artifacts (#68).
- Added the Statistics tool (Regression, Clustering, etc.) (#69).
- Added event handling for mouse events (#71).
- Added suggestions for available parameters in Monaco Code Editor (#32).
- Improved the test coverage (#8).
- Added Status notification on event handling (#74).
- Added support for Baidu maps (#64).
- Added tutorials on how to load and use Baidu maps (#75).
3.5.0 (2022-10-04)
Features / Enhancements
- Updated to Apache ECharts library 5.4.0 (#52).
- Added the Stacked Bar Graph (InfluxDB) example (#55).
- Added examples into the README file and updated links in the Plugin.json file (#56).
3.4.0 (2022-09-21)
Features / Enhancements
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.1.0 (#37).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.1.6 (#50).
- Added a YouTube tutorial for PNG/SVG images (#38).
- Explained access to dashboard variables into the README file (#39).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.1.4 (#44).
- Added a video tutorial about Grafana variables (#45).
- Added instructions about data sources into the README file (#46).
- Added the Compatibility check workflow (#49).
- Add ECharts-GL extension, which provides 3D plots, globe visualization and WebGL acceleration (#51)
3.3.0 (2022-08-12)
Breaking changes
- Signed as Community Plugin.
Features / Enhancements
- Added support for showing the plugin in Grafana Catalog (#35).
3.2.0 (2022-08-09)
Features / Enhancements
- Added links to video tutorials on YouTube into the README file (#29).
- Added video tutorials on YouTube (#31).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.0.6 (#34).
3.1.0 (2022-07-11)
Features / Enhancements
- Added description of
into the README file and options (#12). - Fixed the issue with the missing maps JSON files (#14).
- Registered U.S. and World maps (#20).
- Added the auto formatting (#21).
- Added compatibility with Grafana 9.0.2 (#22).
- Added support for the
variables support in the code editor (#9). - Added the
parameter (#24). - Integrated the Liquid fill plugin (#25).
Bug fixes
- Resolved the issue with chart corruption after resetting the zoom (#13).
3.0.0 (2022-06-19)
Breaking changes
- Requires Grafana 8.5+ or 9.0+.
- Uses Monaco Code Editor instead of Code Mirror.
- Based on the ECharts 5.3.3.
- Removes outdated ECharts Extensions (echarts-wordcloud, echarts-liquidfill, echarts-gl).
Features / Enhancements
- Initial Release based on the bilibala-echarts-panel 2.2.4.
- Updated based on Volkov Labs panel Template 2.0.0.
- Refactored the plugin code (#2).
- Replaced Code Mirror with Monaco Code Editor (#3).
- Refactored panel and updated plugin files (#4).
- Updated the provisioning, screenshots, and removed Follow Theme (#5).
- Added SVG and Canvas Renderer (#6).