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ECharts Instance

The echartsInstance is a created instance (container) of the Apache ECharts library. It allows you to do the following:

  • Get the width and height of the ECharts container.
  • Get the DOM (Document Object Model) to include additional elements.
  • Resize the chart size.
  • Handle events.
  • Update options, etc.

For more details, please review the documentation for echartsInstance.

Scale when resizing

To scale the content for fitting the resized panel, you need to use the instance methods to retrieve the width and height of the panel.

  graphic: {
type: "image",
style: {
image: `data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${SVG}`,
width: echartsInstance.getWidth(),
height: echartsInstance.getHeight(),

Create DOM elements

You can add elements (buttons, checkboxes, dropdown boxes, etc.) to the DOM (Document Object Model) using the instance.


You can add a button with an on-click event handler on top of the Business Charts panel.

Add a button to handle events in the Apache ECharts container.
Add a button to handle events in the Apache ECharts container.


Add a select box with an on-change event handler.

Add a select box with options and update the Apache ECharts options based on the user's selection.
Add a select box with options and update the Apache ECharts options based on the user's selection.