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Redirect Dashboards


Variable Panel supports redirects since version 2.2.0.

This feature allows opening the corresponding dashboard to a variable value. It is useful, for instance, if a variable panel displays a list of some devices where every device requires a specific dashboard.

When a user selects a device in the variable panel, the corresponding dashboard opens. With that, the dashboard switch is not obvious for the users. For them, it might seem they stay in one place.

Let us review, how to make it work.

Variable panel 2.2.0 for Grafana.

Map dashboard variables

Create two dashboard variables. One to retrieve all devices needed. The second is to contain one dashboard_id at a time following the device from the first variable.

Create a dashboard/variable mapping example.
Create a dashboard/variable mapping example.


Create specific device dashboards with an identical variable panel on each dashboard.

Create specific device dashboards with an identical variable panel.
Create specific device dashboards with an identical variable panel.

Variable panel

Configure the variable panel. Specify a value for the new parameter Dashboard.

New parameter - dashboard for redirection.
New parameter - dashboard for redirection.

After the above-presented configuration, the variable panel switches dashboards when a user selects a device. A sleek transition makes the user experience smooth and pleasant.