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Gaode Maps

Gaode Maps is loaded via API v1.4.15 and require an access key.

Access Key

You can get the access key at


Try the panel with Gaode Maps in the edit mode.


  • The loading of Gaode Maps takes around 2-3 seconds.
  • No callback function is available. You need to check the status using the timeout.
  • During the loading, you can show an animation using the code below.
  • You can load additional plugins through the panel options.
Gaode Maps is supported from Business Charts panel 3.8.0.
Gaode Maps is supported from Business Charts panel 3.8.0.


const amap = {
backgroundColor: "transparent",
amap: {
viewMode: "3D",
center: [108.39, 39.9],
zoom: 4,
resizeEnable: true,
mapStyle: "amap://styles/dark",
renderOnMoving: true,
echartsLayerInteractive: true,
largeMode: false,
series: [
type: "scatter",
coordinateSystem: "amap",
data: [
[120, 30, 8],
[120.1, 30.2, 20],
encode: {
value: 2,

* Loading
const loading = {
graphic: {
elements: [
type: "group",
left: "center",
top: "center",
children: new Array(7).fill(0).map((val, i) => ({
type: "rect",
x: i * 20,
shape: {
x: 0,
y: -40,
width: 10,
height: 80,
style: {
fill: "#5470c6",
keyframeAnimation: {
duration: 1000,
delay: i * 200,
loop: true,
keyframes: [
percent: 0.5,
scaleY: 0.3,
easing: "cubicIn",
percent: 1,
scaleY: 1,
easing: "cubicOut",

* Maps are Ready
amapReady = () => {
if (!window.AMap) {
return setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);

context.grafana.notifySuccess(["Gaode Maps", "Loaded..."]);
context.panel.chart.setOption(amap, (notmerge = true));

* Get AMap extension component
const amapComponent = context.panel.chart.getModel().getComponent("amap");
const amapInstance = amapComponent.getAMap();
amapInstance.addControl(new AMap.Scale());
amapInstance.addControl(new AMap.ToolBar());

* Add SatelliteLayer and RoadNetLayer to map
const satelliteLayer = new AMap.TileLayer.Satellite();
const roadNetLayer = new AMap.TileLayer.RoadNet();
amapInstance.add([satelliteLayer, roadNetLayer]);


setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);

return loading;