Google Maps
Google Maps is loaded via Maps API and requires an access key.
Access Key
You can get the access key at
Try the panel with Google Maps in the edit mode.
- The loading of Google Maps takes around 1-2 seconds.
- The
callback function is executed during the loading. You can update the name in the panel options. - During the loading, you can show an animation using the code below.

const gmap = {
gmap: {
* Center and Zoom
center: { lng: -81.76, lat: 27.99 },
zoom: 4,
// whether echarts layer should be rendered when the map is moving. `true` by default.
// if false, it will only be re-rendered after the map `moveend`.
// It's better to set this option to false if data is large.
renderOnMoving: true,
series: [
type: "scatter",
coordinateSystem: "gmap",
// data items [[lng, lat, value], [lng, lat, value], ...]
data: [[-81.76, 27.99, 100]],
encode: {
// encode the third element of data item as the `value` dimension
value: 2,
lng: 0,
lat: 1,
* Loading
const loading = {
graphic: {
elements: [
type: "group",
left: "center",
top: "center",
children: new Array(7).fill(0).map((val, i) => ({
type: "rect",
x: i * 20,
shape: {
x: 0,
y: -40,
width: 10,
height: 80,
style: {
fill: "#5470c6",
keyframeAnimation: {
duration: 1000,
delay: i * 200,
loop: true,
keyframes: [
percent: 0.5,
scaleY: 0.3,
easing: "cubicIn",
percent: 1,
scaleY: 1,
easing: "cubicOut",
* Maps are Ready
window.gmapReady = () => {
context.grafana.notifySuccess(["Google Maps", "Loaded..."]);
context.panel.chart.setOption(gmap, (notmerge = true));
return typeof google === "object" && typeof google.maps === "object"
? gmap
: loading;