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26 docs tagged with "Business Charts"

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Annotations is an umbrella term that includes several Grafana artifacts, as follows:

Baidu Maps

Baidu Maps is loaded via API v3 and require an access key.

Business Charts

The Apache ECharts panel panel joins the Business Suite for Grafana and with that gets an elevated name. Now, the same amazing open source plugin is called the Business Charts panel.

Charts Function

setOption(options) is the primary function in the Apache ECharts library. It is depicted as a square on the right in the schema below. This function gets called by the Business Charts panel (the Charts Function) with only one required parameter options.

Data Sources

The Business Charts Panel supports various data sources that you can use to query data for building charts.

Directed Graph

The Business Charts Panel can render directed, undirected, and almost any other graph. Watch our tutorial to better understand the customization capabilities provided by the plugin.

ECharts Instance

The context.panel.chart ( early echartsInstance ) is a created instance (container) of the Apache ECharts library. It allows you to do the following:

Event Handling

You can handle specific events while viewing charts, for example, handle mouse events or any other event with the context.panel.chart ( early echartsInstance ) instance.


Take a try of 100+ ready-to-use chart examples at our demo site for the Business Charts Panel.

Extended Result

The Business Charts Panel supports the extended result object starting from version 5.0.0.

Gaode Maps

Gaode Maps is loaded via API v1.4.15 and require an access key.


The Business Charts Panel supports the world and USA GeoJSON maps. You can load additional maps dynamically.

Google Maps

Google Maps is loaded via Maps API and requires an access key.

Grafana Events

Grafana uses an event bus to publish application events for notifying different parts of Grafana when the user interacts with the chart. Business Charts panel can react to these actions by subscribing to one or more events.

Statistical and Data Mining

The ecStat library integrates statistical and data mining capabilities of the Apache ECharts library into the chart generation within the Business Charts panel.


Streaming allows real-time data updates using streaming data sources and Grafana Live.

The Business Charts Features

The Business Charts panel provides an extensive set of features that you can use to build myriads of charts and graphs in Grafana.

The Business Charts supports Maps

The Business Charts panel allows you to use maps as a basis for generating charts and displaying the value distribution across geographical areas.

Theme Editor

Theme Editor allows using custom themes generated with Theme Builder.


Transformations can modify the returned data frames and may require code updates for retrieving values from


Use the context.grafana.replaceVariables() function to replace dashboard and global variables.

Visual Editor

This is one of the most exciting features. Instead of using JavaScript code, you can use UI elements to specify datasets and series for the chart.

Wordcloud Extension

The Business Charts Panel supports the Wordcloud Extension starting from version 5.1.0.