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Business Satellite Data Source 1.0.0

Mikhail Volkov
Founder at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

A new plugin Business Satellite Data Source 1.0.0 was released today. This first release

  • Allows connecting to Local and Remote Grafana instances via HTTP API using API Keys and Tokens.
  • Tested with Grafana HTTP API versions 8.5+. It may work with previous versions.
  • Allows retrieving Health information, Annotations, Alerts, and Data Sources.
  • Supports Dashboard annotations to display filtered annotations and alerts.
  • Based on the Grafana 9.3.6 toolkit and workflows.
Grafana Catalog

The plugin was updated in Grafana Catalog on March 15, 2023.


Imagine you have many Grafana instances and you want to

  • Quickly check information, configuration and usage reports from all of them.
  • Validate users and teams across all instances.
  • Display annotations collected from many instances on a Time Series panel.

Even if you have a single Grafana instance and you want to display Alerting Annotations filtered by variable on a Time Series panel, which was one of the reasons we created this data source. We will discuss this use case in the upcoming blog.

First release

This is the first release of the Business Satellite Data Source. It is a game-changer to retrieve annotations, check health information, and verify the configuration of the local and remote Grafana instances, including Grafana Cloud.

Grafana HTTP API requires API Key or Token to access local and remote instances.

Business Satellite Data Source allows to connect to Grafana Cloud instances.
Business Satellite Data Source allows to connect to Grafana Cloud instances.


The first release can retrieve

  • Health information.
  • List of Data Sources.
  • Annotations and Alarms with filter capabilities.
Dashboard displays Data sources, annotations and health information of the Grafana instance.
Dashboard displays Data sources, annotations and health information of the Grafana instance.


Business Satellite Data Source supports Dashboard annotations to display filtered annotations and alerts.

TypeAll, Annotation, or Alert.
DashboardsAll or This.
Time RangeNone or Selected in the dashboard.
Prev StateAll, Normal, Pending, or Alerting.
Next StateAll, Normal, Pending, or Alerting.
Text PatternSupports Regular expressions and variables.
Max LimitMaximum number of annotations to retrieve.
Dashboard annotations use Business Satellite Data Source to retrieve Alerting annotations filtered with text pattern.
Dashboard annotations use Business Satellite Data Source to retrieve Alerting annotations filtered with text pattern.

Getting Started

The Business Satellite Data Source can be installed from the Grafana Catalog or utilizing the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command.

grafana-cli plugins install volkovlabs-grapi-datasource

YouTube Tutorial

Easy access to Grafana backend using Business Satellite data source.

Release Notes

Features / Enhancements

  • Initial release based on Volkov Labs Data source template
  • Update README and configuration (#1)
  • Add Postgres for Alerting (#2)
  • Add Annotations (#3)
  • Update name to Grafana HTTP API (#4)
  • Improve Annotations and update to Timescale (#5)
  • Improve Data Source to check Organization (#6)
  • Add Notifications and increase Test Coverage (#7)
  • Add Annotation filters (#8)
  • Add Annotation Alert States filter (#9)
  • Add Health and Data Sources (#10)
  • Update README to prepare for the release (#11, #12)


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