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Business Satellite Data Source 2.2.0

Daria Volkova
Creative Director at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

We are happy to announce the release of the Business Satellite Data Source 2.2.0. This release includes the following updates:

  • Added the Local mode to access a local instance.
  • Added the Values field for Annotations.
  • Added Organization Users into the Request options.
  • Refactored API and increased test coverage to 99%.
Grafana Catalog

The plugin was updated in Grafana Catalog on September 21, 2023.

HTTP API Data Source 2.2.0 for Grafana.


The Business Satellite Data Source was downloaded more than 100,000 times! Thank you for your trust and support.

Total downloads from Grafana Catalog for the Business Satellite Data Source.
Total downloads from Grafana Catalog for the Business Satellite Data Source.

Local mode

With the Local request mode, the Business Satellite data source connects to the local configuration storage using the same Grafana privileges a user has been assigned during login and, thus, simplifies the access policy.

The Local request mode has no parameters.

The new Local request mode has no parameters.
The new Local request mode has no parameters.

With the Remote request mode, the privileges are taken from the token and might differ from those assigned during login into Grafana.

Values in Annotations

Starting from this release, the HTTP API data source digests the Values field from the Annotations's text.

Values field is digested from the Annotations.
Values field is digested from the Annotations.

As shown below, you can always use transformations to have one value per column format.

Use the transformation 'Extract fields' to convert Values into columns.
Use the transformation 'Extract fields' to convert Values into columns.

Organization Users

Request in the query editor is a drop-down parameter that appears when you connect your panel to the HTTP API data source. In addition to all existing options, we added Organization Users. The picture below illustrates the new possibility.

The new Organization Users option in the Request parameter.
The new Organization Users option in the Request parameter.

Getting Started

The Business Satellite Data Source can be installed from the Grafana Catalog or utilizing the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command:

grafana-cli plugins install volkovlabs-grapi-datasource

YouTube Tutorial

Easy access to Grafana backend using Business Satellite data source.

Release Notes

Features / Enhancements in 2.2.0

  • Moved API methods under the feature flag to support various Grafana versions (#53)
  • Added an option to disable Alert Rules in Annotations (#55)
  • Added a values field from annotation text (#30)

Features / Enhancements in 2.1.0

  • Refactored API and increased test coverage (#50)
  • Updated ESLint configuration (#50)
  • Added Local mode to access local instance (#51)
  • Added Organization Users (#52)


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