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Business Variable Panel 2.3.1

Daria Volkova
Creative Director at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

We are happy to announce the release of the Variable Panel 2.3.1. This release includes the following updates:

  • Added the feature to automatically clear Search values after switching tabs.
  • Added the Persistent mode.
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 10.2.2 and Grafana 10.3.0 (pre-release).
Grafana Catalog

The plugin was updated in the Grafana Plugins catalog on December 15, 2023.

Number of downloads

The Variable plugin shoots for the stars and is very close to 100K downloads! 👏

Variable panel was downloaded almost 100K times.
Variable panel was downloaded almost 100K times.

Clear Search values after switching tabs

This feature is applicable when your Variable panel displays multiple tabs.

In the example below, the variable panel displays two tabs: Location and Country. When a user clicks a funnel icon and types in the Search values, only the nodes containing, in this example, 5 are shown.

Next, if this user switches to the Country tab, the Search values are cleared and no filters are applied.

That means that when a user changes tabs, all previous Search values are removed.

Clear Search value on a tab change feature.
Clear Search value on a tab change feature.

The same rule applies to the Favorites. The Show only favorites filter is cleared when a user switches to another tab.

Clear Only Favorites on a tab change feature.
Clear Only Favorites on a tab change feature.

Persistent Mode

This feature is applicable when Variable configured in Minimized and Button layouts. This mode could be turned on and off in the Variable panel options.

Enable/Disable the Persistent mode.
Enable/Disable the Persistent mode.

When Enabled, the selected values are stored in the browser's local storage. It comes in handy when one variable panel is controlled by the other variable panel.

For instance, in the illustration below, I have two variable panels. One displays countries and the other one displays states within the selected country. I chose USA in the first panel and then IL on the other panel.

Depending on the Persistent option value set for the State variable panel, the selected value is either saved in the browser for future use or not.

Persistent option allows to keep the selected values in the browser's local cache.
Persistent option allows to keep the selected values in the browser's local cache.

Getting Started

The Variable panel can be installed from the Grafana Catalog or utilizing the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command.

grafana-cli plugins install volkovlabs-variable-panel

YouTube Tutorial

The Variable panel builds on top of the regular dashboard variables. It allows you to have dashboard filters in a separate panel which you can place anywhere on the dashboard.

The variable panel offers you single- and multi-variable layouts along with an advanced Tree View.

Demonstrates the Variable panel functionality.

Release Notes

Bugfixes in 2.3.1

  • Fix draggable icon for Grafana 10.3 (#107)

Features / Enhancements in 2.3.0

  • Add clean table state on tab change (#101)
  • Update ESLint configuration and refactor (#102)
  • Add persistent mode (#103)
  • Update to Grafana 10.2.2 and Volkov labs packages (#104)


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