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Release Notes

Release Notes for the Business Media panel.

6.1.0 (2024-09-05)

Features / Enhancements

  • Updated media sources state (#137)
  • Added Websocket server for streaming (#140)
  • Updated Grafana 11.2 dependencies (#141)
  • Added Scroll option for images (#142)
URL, data links, and scrolling for images in Business Media 6.1.0.
URL, data links, and scrolling for images in Business Media 6.1.0.

6.0.0 (2024-07-29)

Breaking changes
  • Image links in panel options should be updated to use Data links.
  • PDF fields require to update the type of the media source to PDF.

Features / Enhancements

  • Added poster for video (#120)
  • Updated current index on data series decrease (#121)
  • Updated Image URL to data links (#122)
  • Added slideshow between mixed media (#123)
  • Refactored Media panel (#124)
  • Added multiple queries support in Media Field and Poster Image (#127)
  • Updated to Grafana 11.1 and dependencies (#128)
  • Added PDF Breaking change and prepare 6.0.0 (#132)

5.1.0 (2024-06-23)

Features / Enhancements

  • Updated video overview (#100)
  • Added plugin e2e tests and remove cypress (#101, #102, #103, #105)
  • Added ability to load image, videos from URL and video toolbar (#111, #116)
  • Updated to Grafana 11 and dependencies (#114)
  • Updated to use frame utils from packages (#115)
  • Updated E2E workflow using Docker (#117)

5.0.0 (2024-03-25)

Breaking changes
  • Requires Grafana 10 and Grafana 11
Grafana 11, customized messages, and infinity play in Business Media 5.0.0.
Grafana 11, customized messages, and infinity play in Business Media 5.0.0.

Features / Enhancements

  • Added the ability to customize the alert message (#96)
  • Updated to Grafana 10.4.1 (#97)
  • Remove ArrayVector deprecated in Grafana 11 (#99)

4.2.0 (2024-02-22)

Features / Enhancements

  • Updated ESLint configuration and refactoring (#92)
  • Updated dependencies and Actions (#94)
  • Added infinity play option (#93)

4.1.0 (2023-10-29)

Image scaling and Grafana compatibility updates in Business Media 4.1.0.
Image scaling and Grafana compatibility updates in Business Media 4.1.0.

Features / Enhancements

  • Updated ESLint configuration (#84)
  • Added Image Scale Algorithm option (#89)
  • Updated to Plugin Tools 2.1.1 (#90)
  • Updated Grafana Access Policy to sign plugin (#90)
  • Updated to Grafana 10.1.5 (#90)

4.0.0 (2023-06-26)

Breaking changes
  • This release requires Grafana 9 or Grafana 10.
Grafana 10, zoom in and out, and captions in Business Media 4.0.0.
Grafana 10, zoom in and out, and captions in Business Media 4.0.0.

Features / Enhancements

  • Added the zoom in/out actions on the image toolbar (#78).
  • Moved the zoom in/out buttons to the image toolbar (#79).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 10.0.0 (#80).
  • Added captions for images and media files (#82).
  • Deprecated support for Grafana 8.5 (#83).

3.6.0 (2023-06-06)

Toolbar, Grafana 10 preview, and increased test coverage in Business Media 3.6.0.
Toolbar, Grafana 10 preview, and increased test coverage in Business Media 3.6.0.

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.5.2 (#70).
  • Integrated E2E Cypress tests into the testing cycle (#71).
  • Migrated to Plugin Tools 1.5.2 (#72, #73)
  • Updated the plugin to Node.js 18 (#72).
  • Increased the test coverage for the plugin functionality (#72).
  • Tested the plugin on Grafana 10 Preview (#74).
  • Added the toolbar to download, zoom in/out, and navigate across images (#75, #76, #77).

3.5.0 (2023-03-07)

Padding removed, Grafana compatibility updates in Business Media 3.5.0.
Padding removed, Grafana compatibility updates in Business Media 3.5.0.

Features / Enhancements

  • Updated CI and release workflows (#64).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.4.3 (#65)
  • Set the NoPadding parameter to use the entire area of the panel (#66).

3.4.0 (2023-01-08) "New Year" edition

"New Year" edition and documentation updates in Business Media 3.4.0.
"New Year" edition and documentation updates in Business Media 3.4.0.

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.3.2 (#60).
  • Added documentation links (#61).
  • Updated the README file and product documentation (#62).

3.3.0 (2022-10-30) "Halloween" edition

Features / Enhancements

  • Added support for sanitized variables in the URL field (#53).
  • Updated CI to Node.js 16 and synchronized it with the release workflow (#55).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.2.2 (#56).

3.2.0 (2022-10-05)

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.1.4 (#47).
  • Added the workflow to check the plugin compatibility (#48).
  • Added the option to disable the PDF Toolbar (#50).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.1.7 (#51).

3.1.0 (2022-08-13)

Features / Enhancements

  • Updated the README file and the provisioning dashboards (#43).
  • Added YouTube video tutorials into the README file (#44).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.0.7 (#45).
  • Updated the image for the Grafana Plugins catalog (#46).

3.0.0 (2022-06-16)

Breaking changes
  • This release requires Grafana 8.5+ and 9.0+.

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.0.0-beta3 (#36).
  • Updated the PDF loader to start in Docker (#38).
  • Added support for short videos in the Base64 format (#39).
  • Added support for playback of MP3 and OGG audio files in the the Base64 format (#40).
  • Added video and audio playback control buttons, as well as the Auto Play function (#41).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.0.0 (#42).

2.6.0 (2022-04-26)

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.3.6 (#32).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.4.0 and used PluginCheck v2 (#33).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.4.3 (#34).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.5.0 (#35).

2.5.0 (2022-01-24)

Features / Enhancements

  • Updated the README file for adding into the Grafana Plugins catalog (#29).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.3.4 (#28).

2.4.0 (2021-12-16)

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.2.5 (#22).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.3.0 (#23).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.3.2 (#24).
  • Update the naming of plugin components (#25).
  • Added support for PDF documents larger than 2 MB (#26).

2.3.1 (2021-11-09)

Features / Enhancements

  • Add the display:block parameter to display href properly (#21).

2.3.0 (2021-11-08)

Features / Enhancements

  • Added a capability to transition users to another dashboard with a click on the image (#19).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.2.3 (#20).

2.2.0 (2021-11-02)

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.1.5 (#16).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.2.0 (#17).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.2.2 (#18).

2.1.1 (2021-08-18)

Features / Enhancements

  • Added a radio button to select an appropriate image size mode (#14).

2.1.0 (2021-08-12)

Features / Enhancements

  • Updated the README file (#10).
  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.1.1 (#12).
  • Added options and fields to resize an image (#13).

2.0.0 (2021-06-19)

Breaking changes
  • Supports Grafana 8.0+, for Grafana 7.X, please use version 1.0.1 or 1.1.0.

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 8.0.2 (#9).

1.1.0 (2021-06-19)

Features / Enhancements

  • Added display of images in the base64 format with headers (#7).
  • Added display of images in the base64 format retrieved from InfluxDB (#6).
  • Increased the test coverage for the plugin functionality (#4).

1.0.1 (2021-06-07)

Features / Enhancements

  • Added screenshots for static and Redis data sources (#5).

1.0.0 (2021-06-07)

Features / Enhancements

  • Initial release of the plugin for Grafana 7.5.7.
  • Support for rendering of PNG, JPG, GIF, and PDF files.