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Business Media Panel 3.6.0 supports Grafana 10

Mikhail Volkov
Founder at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

We are excited to announce the release of the Business Media Panel 3.6.0. This feature release includes the following updates:

  • Tested the plugin with Grafana 10 Preview.
  • Added a toolbar to download, zoom in/out, and navigate between images.
  • Increased the test coverage for the plugin functionality to 100% and implemented an end-to-end test procedure.
  • Migrated to Plugin Tools 1.5.2 with Node.js 18 and npm.
Grafana Plugins catalog

The plugin was updated in the Grafana Plugins catalog on June 15, 2023.

Image Toolbar

The new toolbar allows you to download, zoom, and navigate between multiple images retrieved from your data source.

The toolbar is enabled by default in the panel options, but you need to define what action buttons to display. The toolbar remains hidden until buttons are selected.

Times Square image analyzed with the YOLO model and retrieved from a PostgreSQL database.
Times Square image analyzed with the YOLO model and retrieved from a PostgreSQL database.

Please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see on the plugin's toolbar.

Getting Started

You can install Business Media Panel from the Grafana Plugins catalog or using the Grafana command line tool.

For the latter, please use the following command:

grafana-cli plugins install volkovlabs-image-panel

YouTube Tutorial

Business Media Panel is a Grafana plugin that renders PNG, JPG, GIF, MP4, WEBM, MP3, OGG, and PDF files encoded in the Base64 format.

Images, PDFs, Video, Live Camera Feed on Grafana Dashboard.

Release Notes

Features / Enhancements

  • Added compatibility with Grafana 9.5.2 (#70).
  • Integrated E2E Cypress tests into the testing cycle (#71).
  • Migrated to Plugin Tools 1.5.2 (#72, #73)
  • Updated the plugin to Node.js 18 (#72).
  • Increased the test coverage for the plugin functionality (#72).
  • Tested the plugin on Grafana 10 Preview (#74).
  • Added the toolbar to download, zoom in/out, and navigate across images (#75, #76, #77).


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