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Exploring Annotations

Annotations in Grafana bring your dashboards to life by highlighting key events. They encompass three core elements:

  • Native annotations
  • Alerts
  • Annotation queries

Curious about how they stack up? The schema below breaks it down.

Comparing Annotations, Alerts, and Annotation Queries in Grafana.
Comparing Annotations, Alerts, and Annotation Queries in Grafana.
Key Distinction

Native annotations and Alerts are stored as records in Grafana’s configuration database, while Annotation queries are custom requests to fetch and display them on your dashboard.

Understanding Annotation Queries

Annotation queries come in two flavors:

  • Built-in: Basic functionality out of the box.
  • User-defined: Flexible queries that can tap into any database—or even Grafana’s own storage with the Business Satellite data source.

Check out the dataflow schema below for a closer look.

Dataflow of Annotations, Alerts, and Annotation Queries.
Dataflow of Annotations, Alerts, and Annotation Queries.

Despite their names, native annotations and Alerts share a lot under the hood. With the Business Satellite data source, you can manage both seamlessly.

Annotation Types Explained

Dive into the video below for a walkthrough of the comparative schema.

Annotations, Alerts, and Annotation Queries in Grafana Explained.

Hands-On Tutorial: Annotations and Alerts with Timescale

This is hands-down the best way to master Grafana annotations. Follow along as I guide you through the dataflow schema with step-by-step instructions—learn by doing!

Annotations and Alerts Tutorial with Timescale in Grafana.

Power Up with Business Satellite

We built the Business Satellite data source to tackle a real-world production challenge. It lets you pull native annotations and Alerts from local or remote Grafana instances, with flexible filtering options. See it in action in the tutorial above.

Visualizing built-in and user-defined annotation queries on a time-series graph.
Visualizing built-in and user-defined annotation queries on a time-series graph.

Prefer Reading? Check the Blog Post

If videos aren’t your thing, our blog post covers the same ground from a fresh perspective. Dig in!

Annotations, Alerts and Annotation Queries in Grafana
Annotations, Alerts and Annotation Queries in Grafana