Release Notes
Keep track of the Business Satellite data source’s advancements with these release notes, highlighting new features, enhancements, and breaking changes across all versions.
3.4.0 (2024-12-25)
Features / Enhancements
- Enhanced E2E tests (#83)
- Updated to Grafana 11.4 with latest dependencies (#84)
3.3.0 (2024-11-17)
Features / Enhancements
- Updated to Grafana 11.3 with latest dependencies (#80)
3.2.0 (2024-07-29)
Breaking Changes
Requires Grafana 10.2 or 11
Features / Enhancements
- Added variables support in Dashboard Scenes (#75)
- Included Grafana alerts with states (#76)
3.1.0 (2024-07-16)
Features / Enhancements
- Set minimum Grafana version to 10.1.0 (#72)
- Added request for dashboards metadata (#70)
- Implemented data source health check (#71, #73)
3.0.0 (2024-07-11)
Breaking Changes
Requires Grafana 10.1 or 11
Features / Enhancements
- Updated tutorial in README (#57)
- Refined ESLint configuration and refactored (#61)
- Added plugin E2E tests and removed Cypress (#64)
- Prepared for Grafana 11 (#66)
- Optimized E2E tests with Docker (#68)
- Updated to Grafana 11.1.0 with latest dependencies (#60, #69)
2.2.0 (2023-09-19)

Features / Enhancements
- Moved API methods under feature flag for broader Grafana version support (#53)
- Added option to disable Alert Rules in Annotations (#55)
- Included values field from annotation text (#30)
2.1.0 (2023-09-10)
Features / Enhancements
- Refactored API and increased test coverage (#50)
- Updated ESLint configuration (#50)
- Added Local mode for accessing local instance (#51)
- Included Organization Users (#52)
2.0.0 (2023-07-17)
Breaking Changes
Requires Grafana 9 or 10

Features / Enhancements
- Updated to Grafana 10.0.2 (#31, #40, #45, #47)
- Added Annotations tutorial to README (#33)
- Included Authentication in Getting Started (#36)
- Added exception handling for Alert Rules in Annotations (#39)
- Updated tests with
(#42) - Added tests for Components and datasource (#44)
- Migrated to Plugin Tools 1.5.2 (#45)
- Updated to Node 18 and npm (#45)
- Integrated E2E Cypress testing (#48)
1.2.0 (2023-03-30)

Features / Enhancements
- Added formatted Annotation labels for Alerts (#19)
- Set Annotation Limit to 100 by default (#19)
- Included Alert Rules and UID for Alerts Annotations (#20)
- Updated Scoped Variables for Annotations (#21)
- Added variable support (#25)
- Enhanced provisioning for testing Alerts (#26, #28)
- Added Annotations tutorial (#29)
1.1.0 (2023-03-15)

Features / Enhancements
- Updated to Grafana 9.4.3 (#13)
- Enhanced Bearer token plugin configuration (#13)
- Signed as community plugin (#14)
- Updated Grafana types and description (#15)
1.0.0 (2023-03-02)

Features / Enhancements
- Initial release based on Volkov Labs Data source template
- Updated README and configuration (#1)
- Added Postgres support for Alerting (#2)
- Implemented Annotations (#3)
- Renamed to Grafana API (GrAPI) (#4)
- Improved Annotations and updated to Timescale (#5)
- Enhanced Data Source to check Organization (#6)
- Added Notifications and increased test coverage (#7)
- Included Annotation filters (#8)
- Added Annotation Alert States filter (#9)
- Supported Health and Data Sources (#10)
- Updated README for release preparation (#11, #12)