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Using Grafana and machine learning for real-time microscopy image analysis

Mikhail Volkov
Founder at Volkov Labs, Grafana Champion

On June 15, 2022, Mikhail Volkov from Volkov Labs and Christopher Field from Theia Scientific headlined their innovative session on the second day of GrafanaCONline 2022.

A month ago, we published the article How Theia Scientific and Volkov Labs used Grafana and AI to analyze scientific images on Grafana Blog and were thrilled to showcase our work at GrafanaCONline 2022.


For Mikhail, it was his third time presenting in front of the Grafana community, talking about his projects going beyond Observability by using Grafana as a platform to build modern applications.

"Theia's production team demonstrated the deployment of machine learning (ML) models on an edge computing device for real-time microscopy image analysis, using Balena for remote device management and Grafana for application control and visualization.

Custom panel plugins and dashboards packaged as a Grafana application are combined with a container-based, multi-service architecture to present scientists and engineers using electron microscopes with a coherent and customizable platform for automated image analysis."

The home dashboard of the Theiascope™ application includes Model and Job Management panels.
The home dashboard of the Theiascope™ application includes Model and Job Management panels.

With the help of Grafana, the project cut labor costs by 80%, reduced training time and operational expertise needed, and accelerated the delivery of unbiased results from years, months, and days to just seconds.


You can watch the presentation with a live demonstration on Grafana's Youtube channel.

Using Grafana and machine learning for real-time microscopy image analysis.

Volkov Labs continues to work closely with Theia Scientific to improve the Theiascope™ platform and has already updated the application to the latest Grafana 9 introduced at GrafanaCONline 2022.