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15 posts tagged with "Business charts"

Powerful visualizations powered by Apache ECharts.

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Improved Code Editor, included scatter and boxplot into Visual Editor, and Grafana 11.3 Scenes updates in Business Charts 6.5.0
Radar visual editor, expandable editor, and context migration updates in Business Charts 6.3.0
Panels interconnectivity in Grafana via EventBus
Visual editor, context breaking changes, and Grafana 11 in Business Charts 6.0.0
Streaming, wordcloud, and fixed memory leak in Business Charts 5.1.0
Grafana 10, added alerts, and updated examples in Business Charts 4.5.0
Theme editor, updated Google maps, and increased test coverage in Business Charts 4.4.0
Grafana and the ultimate question of life, universe, and Customer Success
US and World maps, ECharts 5.4.2, and annotations in Business Charts 4.3.1
EventBus, removed padding, and transparent background in Business Charts 4.2.0
Romance of documentation and blog produced a story-telling analytics
Streaming, data zoom, and documentation updates in Business Charts 4.1.0
Maps breaking changes, examples, and documentation updates in Business Charts 4.0.0
Create Stacked Bars using the Apache ECharts visualization panel
The missing plugin to create business and industrial charts in Grafana