Health Checks
To successfully run the BI(G) app, you need Grafana and BI Engine. In some instances, Grafana might take longer time to launch than the BI Engine. This scenario may lead to the failure of the startup health check. Simply put, if the BI Engine does not find Grafana running, it shuts itself down.
To avoid this false health check failure, we added timing parameters that determine how long the BI Engine waits before checking Grafana's active status using Grafana token and URL to connect to.
By default, the waiting is 5 seconds. You can configure that by using the parameters below.
## Service Account
## - Viewer permission is required to access dashboards
## - Editor permission is required to access dashboards and add Annotations
## Grafana HTTP API
## Grafana Health-Check timeout, ms
## Waiting for Grafana availability for (Timeout * Number of Retries / 1000 ) seconds
## Grafana Health-Check number of retries